There are a lot of variables to address when it comes to determining the cost of a root canal. We can look at national averages to gets some benchmark ranges, but when it comes down to it, each and every case is different. For example, let’s say you have a root canal procedure done on a front tooth and later on found out you also needed one on a molar. The molar could be two to three times the expense. We’ll share some national averages and then identify some variables.

National Averages on Root Canal Costs

One source estimates that the front tooth may run about $762 and a molar about $1,111. Another source has the front tooth costing $1,156 without insurance and $608 with dental insurance. They said the molar was $1,184 without insurance and $682 with insurance. A better barometer is the range of $600-$900 for front teeth and a range of $1,000 -$1,400 for molars. These numbers still don’t include the crown that is strongly suggested to cover the tooth to protect it and ensure some longevity in its life span. Crowns may cost around $1,300.

Some of the variables

As you can see, the first variable is the type of tooth needing the root canal. Front teeth have one root canal and molars can have up to four. So the procedure takes more time. The next variable might be the condition of the tooth. Was it fractured or cracked or is the pain you’re experiencing coming from a deep cavity? Either way the root canal procedure needs to remove all of the diseased and infected pulp from the center of the tooth. Yet another variable is whether your dentist has received the proper training and can proceed or if an endodontist needs to become involved. The number of visits can affect the cost of the root canal procedure. If the tooth can be repaired in one long visit or sometimes two and three visits. This would be based on the complexity of the procedure. Finally, a huge variable in the cost of a root canal is location, location, location. The region of the country in which you live can affect the cost. It is proven to be higher in the Northeast and lowest in the West. We mentioned the huge difference in whether you have dental insurance. Even if your employer offers dental coverage do not expect the same benefits as with a good health insurance plan. Yet another variable is whether there is medication prescribed either before or after the procedure.

Prevention is the best Medicine

Granted, if you cracked a tooth in an athletic event or loosened a tooth in an accident those events can’t be helped. But when it comes to a cavity those could be avoided with nothing more than simple good quality oral hygiene at home. The health industries want you to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once. Partake in these simple activities and possibly save that root canal cost altogether.

West Mobile Dental Care, located in Mobile, provides the full range of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dental procedures including endodontic therapy. Contact our office today to find out more about our practice and how we can help you with your oral health.

If you're just interested in learning more about root canal in general, here's some additional reading on the pain associated with a root canal.